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New Announcement – Point Score

Pointscore Round 4 News

Congratulations to Emma and Leonardo who have been promoted to Silver Group and Chloe B, Adam and Matthew  who have been promoted to Gold – super swimming !

Blog Competitions Swimming

Timetable Update from 19 April

Our timetable has some updates from Tuesday 19th April, highlighted in green below, either an alteration to swimming time or pre-pool addition.  Thank you for taking note of these session time changes.Timetable from 19 April


Club AGM

SASC AGM on 29th March on zoom, starting 7pm

Documents found here: Club AGM 2022 | Stretford Amateur Swimming Club (

Members informed of meeting in newsletter marked w/e 4 March

Link for meeting to be circulated on the day


(Last updated 29 March – Chair’s report)


Point Score R2

Apologies for the short delay here, now available are the times from the second round of Point Score:


Congratulations to the swimmers promoted to the next group:



Latest Timetable from Tuesday 29 June

The latest tweaks to our session times means the following new timetable will be used from Tuesday 29th June.  (SWP change from Monday 5th July.)

29th June timetable




Consultation – Association Merger

The three local aquatic associations – Bolton & District, Central Lancashire and Manchester & District are proposing a merger.  This would lead to a significant change in how our sports are organized in the future, mainly around competition and a reduction in administration.

Their consultation document is available here and we welcome member feedback either via our club or directly to John Entwistle who’s contact details are noted in the consultation.

GM Amalgamation Proposal March 2021 (1)


Tuesday Morning ZOOM training – from 9 March

With you all returning to school next week (8th March), we will start ZOOM land training on Tuesday morning’s from 6am.  Session will remain one hour and run 6-7am.  We hope we have as many of you join us from that slightly earlier time to set up your day back at school.


Club AGM

The Club’s 2021 AGM will take place on 23rd March at 7pm via ZOOM.  All members aged 18+ and/or parents/guardians of junior members are invited to attend.

After we postponed the 2020 AGM until September last year due to Covid restrictions, we revert back to March for 2021.   Nomination form for committee, draft agenda and minutes from the 2020 meeting can be found on the calendar entry for 23rd March here

If you are interested in joining the committee we currently have a vacancy  – you must be proposed by a member and seconded.  The Nomination form will be used by us to record the nomination, but as we are working remotely this year, please send in nominee name, proposer and seconder to

AGM Calendar file


Club process for suspected and confirmed Covid-19 case

The process is for parents & members to understand and follow in the situation where there is either suspected Covid-19 case or a confirmed Covid-19 after a positive test:

SASC Procedure following a positive Covid Test v1


Swim England Covid-19 advice (10 March)

Update 12.03.2020: Government advice expanded to state if you show symptoms of coronavirus, then you should self isolate and dial 111 for advice.  
With advice from Government to continue “as normal” (noting below) on gatherings at certain numbers, plus the intention to maintain school provision, our swimming provision will continue.

Since our earlier post at the weekend, SE have published on line their advice, found in the following link.  Using the embedded NHS link will inform you of travel risk, symptoms and precautions.  There’s also a piece on pool safety embedded from The Pool Water Treatment & Advisory Group , indicating it is generally safe to go swimming noting advise on showering pre- and post- pool.

Swim England Covid-19 Advice

Our message follows this advice and that as issued by Government and Public Health England:

1 shower before entering the pool area

2 shower after swimming

3 follow the good hygiene advice provided nationally, e.g. regular washing of hands with soap and hot water for at least 20 seconds

4 cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze, with a tumusdue (dispose afterwards in a bun), hankie or sleeve, avoiding to touch your face.

5 if you feel unwell, please avoid attending sessions

6 avoid any unnecessary travel
