Swim England Covid-19 advice (10 March)
Update 12.03.2020: Government advice expanded to state if you show symptoms of coronavirus, then you should self isolate and dial 111 for advice.
With advice from Government to continue “as normal” (noting below) on gatherings at certain numbers, plus the intention to maintain school provision, our swimming provision will continue.
Since our earlier post at the weekend, SE have published on line their advice, found in the following link. Using the embedded NHS link will inform you of travel risk, symptoms and precautions. There’s also a piece on pool safety embedded from The Pool Water Treatment & Advisory Group , indicating it is generally safe to go swimming noting advise on showering pre- and post- pool.
Our message follows this advice and that as issued by Government and Public Health England:
1 shower before entering the pool area
2 shower after swimming
3 follow the good hygiene advice provided nationally, e.g. regular washing of hands with soap and hot water for at least 20 seconds
4 cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze, with a tumusdue (dispose afterwards in a bun), hankie or sleeve, avoiding to touch your face.
5 if you feel unwell, please avoid attending sessions
6 avoid any unnecessary travel
BlogMar 12th, 2020
Swim England advice : Covid-19
The Club takes advice from Swim England on this subject, which advises members and athletes to follow all appropriate Government advice, in summary:
Wash hands; avoid travel to defined areas; if unwell, dial 111 and self isolate until tested and cleared.
The Club continues to train at Stretford and compete in events.
The Swim England advice is below:
Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance
The welfare of all our athletes, coaches, workforce and volunteers is of paramount importance.
This communication is designed to inform and contains relevant links to the most up-to-date guidance from the Government and Public Health England regarding novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
The Government has issued advice around travel to and from certain areas as the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) situation develops. Please read the latest advice HERE. This is updated regularly.
Can we ask that all swimmers, coaches, volunteers and spectators to follow the hygiene precautions to help reduce the spread of infection. For the latest infection control advice, please click HERE
Swim England members are requested to comply with the latest Government and NHS guidance. This can be found on the Public Health England website. If you feel unwell, please call NHS 111 for advice.
Swim England will be continuing to plan for our events as normal but we will be following Government guidance and assessing risk as appropriate. They will be issuing specific guidance regarding forthcoming Swim England events as necessary to those due to attend.
BlogMar 9th, 2020
GM Age Group Gala
What a fabulous weekend; the first gala for our swimmers in 2020:
44 medals
60% PBs
Great job everybody. All times summarized in the attachment: GtrManAgeGrpsSO010320
Medallist list is found on our twitter feed: Medals
Competitions SwimmingMar 2nd, 2020
Training to Become an Official
As announced at Point Score, we will be running a Timekeepers course on 22 March (R4 Point Score). We need volunteers to run our events and gaining qualifications allows us to run our registered galas later in the year.
We also would encourage parents to look at the next stage of becoming an official – Judge 1 (J1). We need parents to support us at this stage too, not just for the above events, but also it’s a requirement for the club to have registered officials for events such as Arena League. Most of this next stage is online and information about becoming a J1 is posted below:
Competitions Swimming TrainingFeb 21st, 2020
Point Score – 16 Feb
What a fantastic R3 of this season’s Point Score – over 70% of swims were new PBs and 8 swimmers promoted.
Swimmer times are here: PointscoreSO160220
Congratulations to:
Promoted to Silver: Frida; Sadie; Isobel; Aziza; Caleb; Ivan
Promoted to Gold: Megan; Cameron G
Competitions SwimmingFeb 21st, 2020
Lancashire County Championships
All times from the the three weekends at LCC2020 are below:
Competitions SwimmingJan 15th, 2020
End 2019 PB and Age Group Records
The PB and Age Group Records are updated and found in the usual place….to help, they’re here:
SwimmingJan 10th, 2020
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