Swim England Covid-19 advice (10 March)
Update 12.03.2020: Government advice expanded to state if you show symptoms of coronavirus, then you should self isolate and dial 111 for advice.
With advice from Government to continue “as normal” (noting below) on gatherings at certain numbers, plus the intention to maintain school provision, our swimming provision will continue.
Since our earlier post at the weekend, SE have published on line their advice, found in the following link. Using the embedded NHS link will inform you of travel risk, symptoms and precautions. There’s also a piece on pool safety embedded from The Pool Water Treatment & Advisory Group , indicating it is generally safe to go swimming noting advise on showering pre- and post- pool.
Our message follows this advice and that as issued by Government and Public Health England:
1 shower before entering the pool area
2 shower after swimming
3 follow the good hygiene advice provided nationally, e.g. regular washing of hands with soap and hot water for at least 20 seconds
4 cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze, with a tumusdue (dispose afterwards in a bun), hankie or sleeve, avoiding to touch your face.
5 if you feel unwell, please avoid attending sessions
6 avoid any unnecessary travel
BlogMar 12th, 2020
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