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Intermediate Team Time Trials
Wow – every single Intermediate swimmer competing at the recent time trial achieved at least one PB which was a great result after only recently getting back in the pool. Well done to everybody. Times and Top 3s per age group appear below:
Int 2 May 23rd Top 3s [updated]
Day 2 of Intermediate time trials was almost equally impressive with stacks of PBs again. Brilliant swimming Inter team. Times and positions are given below:
Level X Gala
Superb effort by our Performance swimmers in our first Level X gala on 12th May. Lots of swims achieving a new PB (x35) and a good number of others approaching their best times.
The record of result is here:
Dolphins – first Time Trials (9th May)
It was great to get our first racing session underway last weekend, with Dolphins group setting their first times of the year. Well done to everybody.
Full program for all groups is on our latest newsletter.
Times for the Dolphin swimmers are here:
Time Trials May Junior Dolphins
Mini Dolphins May leaderboards
Junior Dolphins May leaderboards
New Training Timetable
With the Government announcement today that the lockdown release continues on schedule, attached is our new training timetable from next Monday 17th May. Senior Water Polo can at last return to the pool on Monday and Masters will join Thursday evening session for swimming. Both those sessions are for an hour and start at 8:15 pm.
Tonight’s newsletter for Members includes protocol summary for accessing and exiting SSV.
Thanks all for your patience whilst we get back to the next “normal”.
Pool Arrival and Centre Protocol video
Here’s a video reminder of our process
Training Sessions w/c 12 April & Club Code of Conduct
1st April 2021
It’s nearly time to get back in the water.
A new Health Questionnaire will be posted out to all members and must be completed before anybody is allowed to return to the water.
Covid safe protocol procedures will be resent and be in line with our previous rules – remembering also the need to have a mask on, when entering the building and all communal areas.
The proposed swimming timetable is also provided here, so you can start to plan your kit bag (though suspect it’s been ready to go for a while). For junior water polo, sessions will again be on a Saturday evening, starting 17 April between 7 and 9:15.
For senior Water Polo and Swimmers, sadly, the Government rules mean a return to Club training is still a little while off, scheduled for [not before] w/c 17 May.
Suggested Sets if swimming
From Tom and mostly targetted at the older swimmers, these sets may be useful if you have access during our closure, to a pool outside of Trafford.
Time Trials 2 – Results
With Lockdown 2 announced on Saturday, we brought forward our Time Trials from 8th November to multiple sessions on 1st, 3rd and 4th November. More superb swimming under covid secure conditions brough many more PBs for our swimmers. It was a shame we had to bring it forward, as we hoped to have run TT2 under Category X competion rules, but sadly, we will have to wait for a future event.
The swimmer times for each group appear below:
Time Trails (October): The Results
Thanks to everybody that took part last weekend. Surprising number of PBs and great to see our Mini and Junior Dolphins competing (we hope you liked the online training link we shared).
Times are posted now:
Code of Conduct Covid-19
Below is the new Code is Conduct for our return to aquatic sports. All participants must have agreed to this code by returning the approved acceptance form (and the completion of the SE Health questionny) before being able to participate.